Gr. 7-12


by Jana O'Connor

CTRL-ALT-DEL is an emotionally-charged play by award-winning writer and improvisor Jana O’Connor (CBC’s Irrelevant Show) exploring cyber-bullying through the eyes of 3 teens set in the theatrical world of a carnival side show. Led by a circus sideshow Barker who may or may not be the Internet himself, the play explores issues of online safety, sexuality, sexual coercion and personal responsibility and care.

Originally produced and toured in 2019, CTRL-ALT-DEL returns to Alberta schools in March 2023!

Keep the conversations going at your school after the performance- book the Sexual Assault Centre’s education team for youth presentation and/or professional development sessions: SACE’s workshops are provided at no fee though SACE is grateful for honorariums from organizations able to provide them.


Visit CTRL-ALT-DEL Sideshow, our virtual companion piece to the touring production, for a taste of what’s in store…


Written by Jana O’Connor

Directed by Corben Kushneryk

Cast: Brennan Campbell, Rochelle Laplante, Sheldon Stockdale

Set & Props Design: c.m. zuby
Projection Design: Kim Clegg
Sound Design: Dave Clarke
Stage Managers: Hunter Luth (Rehearsals) and Yvette Martens (Tour)
Touring Technician: Alexander Boldt



  • Wellness: Analyze the definition, effects, and possible consequences of various forms of harassment
  • Stress management: Analyze, evaluate, and refine personal communication patterns & conflict management skills.
  • Language Arts: Analyze choices and motives of characters.
  • Sexual Consent: Relationships, Boundary Setting, Decision-making, Communication.
  • Grades 7-9: Identify the effects of social influences on sexuality and gender roles & equity; examine the influences on personal decision making for responsible sexual behaviour; evaluate implications and consequences of sexual assault or harassment on a victim.
  • Grades 10-12: Identify expectations & commitments in various relationships; explain the role of trust & ways to establish trust in a relationship; examine aspects of healthy sexuality & responsible sexual behaviour; analyze strategies for choosing responsible & respectful sexual expression.

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